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Our Projects

Klipriver Business Park

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Klipriver Business Park is an industrial and commercial development situated at the intersection of the Randvaal Road and R59 Highway, Gauteng Province. The development’s strategic location between the Johannesburg, the East Rand and Vereeniging allows for excellent exposure and access along the R59 Midvaal Industrial Corridor and will represent the northern entrance to the Midvaal Industrial corridor. The development consists of four quadrants which are developed as industrial estates with a gated access. The township application was approved to includes 127ha of industrial land in the 210ha development so each quadrant allows for the provision of retail as well as commercial land usage.

The development is guided by town planning and architectural design guidelines and the approved layout plan was based on a range of design principles such as it being developed as a singe Business Park, supportive land uses provided, a focus on public transport and pedestrian movement and traffic calming.

Urban Dynamics Gauteng was part of a multi-disciplinary team which included market specialists, civil and traffic engineers, environmentalists and geologists that were involved in the feasibility, concept development and process to approval of the various phases of the development. The general roles and responsibilities of the professional team included the amendment of the provincial road network; accommodation of various needs of adjacent land owners and developers; finding solutions for engineering services provision quandaries; inclusion of services and servitudes on site; and liaison with the local authority as the development extends over two local authority areas.

The township was planned and approved as a whole and subsequently divided into extensions to facilitate budgeting for services implementation and phased land release. The development process has progressed to the point where the first phase has been serviced. Discussion also included possible plans to upgrade the adjacent Klipriver Station, given the existing Nampak and Everite Developments, the recently constructed Heineken Factory, the proposed Pick and Pay distribution centre and the Waterval mega housing project that are in close proximity to Klipriver Business Park.

Project details

Status Approved
Municipality Midvaal, Gauteng Province
Project Scope Town Planning, Urban Design
Project Timeframe Project Approval 2010/2011