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Our Projects

Mohlakeng Extension 11

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Township Establishment to be approved with the Droogeheuvel, Middelvlei and Westonaria South Provincial Flagship Project. The Project as a whole is envisaged to be an integrated, sustainable human settlement, utilising the principles of the Breaking New Ground policy (BNG) of the National Department of Housing. It thereby provides a “new way of thinking” towards housing delivery, ensuring the development of Mixed Housing (mixed-income, densities, typologies, race, etc.), while simultaneously consolidating urban development in the West Rand region of Gauteng. The Project has arisen out of the Bekkersdal Renewal Project in which a need was identified to relocate the portion of the Bekkersdal Community which is located in informal settlements on dolomitic land.

Project details

Status Township Approved. Construction underway in phases as funding permits
Client Gauteng Department of Local Government and Housing
Project Location West of Mohlakeng township, south of Aureus industrial area, Randfontein
Municipality Randfontein Local Municipality, Gauteng Province
Stakeholders Harmony Gold Ltd. (Land owner), Dept. Local Government and Housing (Developer), Randfontein LM (Bulk infrastructure), Westonaria LM (Source of beneficiaries), Absa Ltd.: (Implementing Agent), Powerhouse Consortium (Lead consultant)
Project Scope Phased development of township of 2211 stands: 1179 subsidised erven, 967 erven for financed linked and bonded units, 6 erven for 549 grouped housing units and 59 for business, community and other uses; installation of services and construction of the subsidised units.
Project Value Approx. R 179,415 million (excl. non subsidised houses and non-residential developments)
Implementation programme Pilot Project (500 Erven): 1 Nov 2007 – 23 Sept 2010 and
Project Timeframe Original timeframe: 3 ½ Years