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Housing Development

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Due to Urban Dynamics role as project and programme managers, and its involvement in the planning and design of large scale housing projects; Urban Dynamics necessarily became involved in the physical implementation of Housing Projects. These projects are based on the National Government's policies on Breaking New Ground and Sustainable Integrated Human Settlement Development.

With these projects, Urban Dynamics has fulfilled the role as developer on behalf of Government (and other partners), where we managed the construction, material provision, implementation and final delivery of subsidized housing stock. Examples of Housing Projects managed and implemented by Urban Dynamics in the past 5 years, include:

Project Name Size - houses Client
1. Palm Ridge Upgrading 9 000 Ekurhuleni MM
2. Devland Phase 1,2&3 5 020 Golden Triangle Dev.Co.
3. Lehae Proper 3 314 City of Jhb MM
4. Winterveld Ext 3 2 030 City of Tshwane MM
5. CBP Phase 1 1 200 Ekurhuleni MM
6. CBP Phase 2 907 Gaut. Dept. of Housing
7. Palm Ridge Phase 4 ( in process) 1 000 Gaut. Dept. of Housing
8. Chief Albert Luthuli Flagship (in process) 963 ABSA DEVCO
9. Glenred/Camden/Bothithong - in process 1 100 N. Cape Dept. of Housing
10. Ganyesa/Marokweng 1 200 N.West Dept. of Housing
Total Value Of Houses Built 25 554