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Corporate Social Investment


As a consequence of Government’s Expanded Public Works Programme, most projects managed by the group involves labour intensive construction methods. Since we regularly report on these contracts, it is estimated that our Community Based Projects (CBP) in Bluegum View, Villa Lisa, Etwatwa, Vosloorus Ext 28 and Thamboville as well as the housing projects managed by the group in Lehae, Golden Tri-angle, Palm Ridge and Winterveld have resulted in the following (for the period January 2011 to November 2011):

Palm Ridge is the biggest job creator of all our projects, with an average of 260 jobs created per month. In total we have managed the construction and have implemented 10 556 houses in Palm Ridge since 2006.


  • In terms of funding allocation, our CBP projects in Bluegum View, Etwatwa and Villa Lisa total 2 107 units, creating an average of 78 jobs per month;
  • In total, we have been responsible for the construction and implementation of 26 300 houses in projects in Gauteng, North West and the Northern Cape.

An estimated total of 5127 jobs were created in 2010 / 2011 on our housing construction sites:

  •  Adult Males - 1 907 jobs
  •  Youth Males - 1 324 jobs
  •  Adult Females - 1 016 jobs
  •  Youth Females - 817 jobs
  •  Disabled Individuals - 63 jobs

As many of the beneficiaries of these jobs are bread-winners, the multiplying effect is that our company’s contribution to job creation through labour intensive construction provides a means of income for over 25 000 people;

  • 180
  • 182