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Our group of companies are fundamentally in the business of improving the lives of literally thousands of people. While some of our work involves policy formulation, urban design and forward planning that impact on communities indirectly and over longer periods of time, we are fortunate that many of our projects impact communities directly. As informal settlement upgrading, house construction and the installation of services change the lives of so many individuals, the developmental focus of our work can to an extent be measured as follows:
The Bekkersdal and Winterveld URP’s gave us an opportunity to initiate various economic incubation projects including the establishment of a LED Hub and a Municipal LED Manual with SALGA. The LED unit is actively developing these products and concepts for implementation in both local authorities and in many of our larger projects.
As a consequence of Government’s Expanded Public Works Programme, most projects managed by the group involves labour intensive construction methods. Since we regularly report on these contracts, it is estimated that our Community Based Projects (CBP) in Bluegum View, Villa Lisa, Etwatwa, Vosloorus Ext 28 and Thamboville as well as the housing projects managed by the group in Lehae, Golden Tri-angle, Palm Ridge and Winterveld have resulted in the following (for the period January 2011 to November 2011):
Palm Ridge is the biggest job creator of all our projects, with an average of 260 jobs created per month. In total we have managed the construction and have implemented 10 556 houses in Palm Ridge since 2006.